"I confess that I never knew what it was to pray with satisfaction until the Lord taught me this method."

Saint Teresa of Avila

Our Lord taught St. Teresa of Avila the “Prayer of Recollection” to overcome a crisis she faced in her prayer life.

St. Teresa became the first woman to be named a Doctor of the Roman Catholic Church partly because of her inspiring descriptions of prayer and the spiritual life. Her teachings on prayer are suitable for use by all who wish to pray more effectively.

The Prayer of Recollection opens an important doorway to an internal life of prayer. Through prayer, we learn to listen to God and remain alert to His promptings. Reading and reflecting on Scripture is an effective way to experience our Lord’s presence and to learn how to put prayer into practice.

A Prayer of Recollection brochure outlines how to experience Our Lord through prayer – one Scripture passage at a time, as well as how to cope with distractions and dryness in personal prayer. Copies are available at www.icspublications.org.

Members of our community employ this approach to Christian prayer and Scripture reflection. Feel free to contact us for more information at frederickcarmelites@outlook.com.

Our formation program includes the prayer of recollection

Is the Secular Carmelite order for you?

​​You are welcome to visit our community and to meet and talk with people who are maturing in their Christian life of prayer, spirituality and action.

​Formation involves spending time with community members, reading the inspired works of Carmelite saints and developing a habit of personal prayer.​ ​You will have the opportunity to learn what the Carmelite Saints taught about prayer and the value of developing Christ-centered contemplative prayer in your life.​ ​ You will gain a deeper understanding of how to fulfill Christian duties in today's world and learn practical ways to share the graces received through a vocation in Carmel.

​When you are ready, you may decide to follow Jesus as a member of the Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites by joining our community. ​

​Newcomers gradually learn about the merits of a life of prayer in the secular order. Aspiring members become familiar with the community and may choose to enter formation. They receive the Brown Scapular as a symbol of membership and as a sign that Mary is both mother and model on this journey.​​​

Professed members live in the spirituality and practice of Carmel, following Christ in worship and service to the community, to the Church, and to the world at large. Contact us at frederickcarmelites@outlook.com.

Vintage photo of the Stella Maris monastery on the slopes of Mount Carmel.